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Wish you had a blueprint for teaching?


Feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, or confused about making the right educational decisions?  Wish you had a guidebook to follow?


Ancient Wisdom Modern Classroom: The 31 Day Action Plan for Intentional Teaching is grounded on the biblical wisdom book of Proverbs.


Once acclaimed as the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon provided the Proverbs thousands of years ago.  He was renowned for his insights into human nature and spiritual laws.  


Contemporary voices have suggested reading through the Proverbs every month--to gain the practical equivalent of a master's degree in relationships, finance, psychology, management --and education.


Lora Rooks, a twenty-year educator, distills the gist of the Proverbs through the lens of the classroom. Here, timeless principles for the nuts-and-bolts of living inform the challenges of diverse and needy learners.


Through laughable personal stories from kindergarten to college, Solomon's insights come to life -- immediately useful for your daily dilemmas as a teacher. Find help, hope, and a path forward with someone who knows exactly the demands you strive to meet.


Included in each chapter is a menu of coaching options for self-paced applications.  Think of it as a huge bundle of ready-to-go mentor teacher downloads!


Find your teacher footing in Ancient Wisdom Modern Classroom.


ANCIENT WISDOM MODERN CLASSROOM: The 31 Day Action Plan for Intentional Teaching

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  • Paperback

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